Welcome to the Cigar City Club walk-in humidor. At CCC we pride ourselves on a great cigar selection. Our selection is one of the most diverse you will find in the country with over 80 brands. Our dedicated and knowledgeable staff are on hand to assist you with your cigar selection as well as to cut and light your cigar after each purchase. CCC carries premium, traditional, flavored, and boutique branded cigars.
CCC was proud to be the first cigar shop in the nation to dedicate a whole section to black-owned cigars. Over the past four years we have carried and continue to carry over 30 black-owned cigar brands. In addition to the black-owned cigar section, we feature a unique women-owned cigar selection. Finally, we have a one-of-a-kind NFL cigar section with cigars created by NFL athletes, including Hall of Famers. All cigars we carry are selected by our owner Alonzo J. Primus. Please follow us @cigarcityclub and @ccchumidor for more information on our cigar events.